Aug 30, 2023
Gossip is always a bad thing... right? This week, the team talks about why gossip - under certain circumstances - is actually necessary and productive.
To listen to the Working Genius Podcast:
Aug 25, 2023
This week - despite Tracy's best efforts - Pat and the fellas talk football. Tune in to this special episode for a breakdown of Pat's new framework for predicting the success of NFL teams based on their leadership.
Check out Pat and Cody's short-lived "Sports Culture"...
Aug 23, 2023
Boring meetings suck. This week, Pat, Cody, Tracy and Beau talk about raising the stakes and discuss ways to improve our meetings.
Aug 16, 2023
A hat trick from Patrick. This week, the team boils down what it takes to be a good leader into three simple concepts.
To listen to the Working Genius Podcast:
Aug 9, 2023
Conflict and discomfort is necessary on a healthy team, but when exactly is it better to be deferential to the leader? This week, Pat, Cody and Tracy discuss the humanity of managers and the importance of humility in managing others.